The Gathering
The Gathering (Life to Bible) is a place for High School Students to try to make sense of their world with adults who love them deeply and want to invest in their lives. We want to help your High Schooler to become a critical thinker who can learn to discern the world around them. We want to prepare them for an amazing long life of living Jesus’ life as their own wherever they are. In order to do this, we talk about what High Schoolers experience day in and day out and then look to God’s word for direction and wisdom in how we should live. We work through topics such as: identity, sexuality, relationships, wise decision-making, developing an attitudes of a curious learner, and developing habits of a life-longer learner.
The Gathering meets Sunday nights from 6:00-8:00 pm. We start each week with a free meal.
What does a night at The Gathering look like?
6:00 - Food and Games
6:25 - Gym/Hangout
6:45 - Welcome and Announcements*
6:55 - Big Group Teaching - an interactive teaching on Life and the Bible
7:10 - Small Group 2 - students get a chance to process and apply what they learned with adult leaders
7:45 - Mystery Box - time to have some fun with a mystery activity!
8:00 - See ya next week!
8:00 - Open Gym (Optional)
*Every other week we have musical worship after announcements. On those weeks, we do not have Mystery Box.
How can I use my talents at the Gathering?
High School Students who would like to serve at The Gathering can fill out our form here. We will be in contact with you shortly after filling out the form.
Open Gym
Stay a half hour after The Gathering to hang out in the gym. During this unstructured time, play 9-square, board games, ping pong, basketball, eat snacks, and hang out.
Sunday School
Sunday School’s (Bible to Life) purpose is to help High School Students further their faith by studying theology, worldviews, Bible Study skills, and furthering their understanding of the Story found in the Bible. All of this study will help them see how God’s Word can impact their life. They are encouraged to delve deeper into the Scriptures and apply these lessons to their everyday lives. This time is for them to wrestle with deep content with adults who can help them develop and practice using critical thinking skills.
During School Year
9:30 am – 9th-12th Grades Rm 12
9:30 am – Incoming 9th Graders-Graduated Seniors Rm 302
Greenhouse meets during the summer. Greenhouse Bible Study we study one book of the Bible and seek to understand how the original audience interpreted it as best as we can. We spend the whole summer learning about the author, audience, the message, and what it has to do in a High School Student’s life. We encourage the students to use the tools that they have learned in Sunday School to help them question and learn how to help each other learn together.
Locations can be found on our Events.